Calgary Fudge Factory


Linda Pattison

Calgary Fudge Factory

Gourmet fudge in 80 flavors - wrapped pieces, gift boxes & tins.

We have been making and selling our creamy, delicious fudge since 1993. Although we started out small with a little rack that held 20 flavors, with customer feedback we have created many new flavors and now offer over 80 choices at the Shows. Customers enter our booth and say, “Wow! Look at all this fudge!”
Ken is the fudge maker and really enjoys the creativity and the method involved in making each pan of fudge look exactly as the name implies and tastes as good as it looks!
Ken got his inspiration from an uncle who was a cook in the army in World War 2. For the soldiers far from home in the Christmas season, he learned how to make chocolate and maple fudge as a special treat! He carried that tradition on after he returned home by serving up “Uncle Bob’s Fudge” on Christmas Eve.
We purchased a large double boiler kettle about the same time as Ken retired from teaching Math and have been selling our fudge ever since.