Barnswallow Corner Studio


Margot Soltice

Barnswallow Corner Studio

Nature Art: Pottery, Paint and Pen.

Pigeon and Battle Lakes area artist, Margot Soltice works full time in her home studio. Her preferred mediums are watercolour, old-school dip pen and ink, and clay molded into artistic, functional, and sculptural pottery. Her work highlights her passion for Nature’s small mysteries and patterns. She strives to catch the viewer’s eye from afar, then draw them closer with intricate detail.

A great source of inspiration is the boreal forest in which Margot lives, and her studio resides. There are frogs and birds, fox and moose. The ever-changing flora and fauna sow seeds for her collections. Visits from the local Ravens inspire a Raven painting (or 6), which in turn leads to the creation of hand carved Raven mugs and vases and sculpture.

Margot’s paintings, drawings and sculptures act as love letters to Nature. She has a deep desire to express her love of the natural world, around her. She hopes that the viewer may perceive her adoration, remember their own, and be moved to rekindle their relationship with Nature.